Under Construction
Real Horrorshow is currently under construction while Stormy and I try to figure out wtf they want to do with it. We’ll still make podcasts during the interim. We just agree that we want to use our website to do more than just write horror movie reviews (though, that will still be a thing). This site (and to a lesser extent, the podcast) was a school project, and now that it’s over we’re going to take a look at what the future of it will be. When I thought of the original concept of the podcast, I wanted to do it because I love talking about both good and bad horror movies. I was lucky to meet Stormy through school because she has similar interests but a different level of passion for it. We also tend to have different opinions on certain movies and topics, so it does create for decent conversation.
However, doing written movie reviews on top of the podcast does get repetitive, and while we still want to do written review, we also want to expand our written content. Stormy and I now hold Master Degrees in Publishing, so I think I speak for both of us when I say I want to turn Real Horrorshow into a brand to publish creepy and scary content. And since we’re called Real Horrorshow and try to relate horror movies to reality, you can probably guess the kind of content we hope to publish on the website when it’s ready.
I also haven’t mentioned this to our webmaster, so I’m sure he’s going to want some input as well before I put him to work. Lul.
We thank all our early supporters and hope to see you all in the not too distant future.