What Were We Even Doing? (Hell Fest)
This week, we’re reviewing 2018’s “Hell Fest,” a simple slasher brought to us by the executive producer of ‘The Walking Dead’ (which probably means something to someone). The film follows a group of friends as they’re stalked by a serial killer through, you guessed it, a popular Hell Fest.
We also talk briefly about the new ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ movie and whether or not ‘Leatherface’ is the unsung hero of the franchise. Lol. Just kidding. ‘Leatherface’ is terrible and you’re terrible for liking it.
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– Quileute Move to Higher Ground: https://mthg.org/
– Host: Samantha Oty. Instagram: @ohheyyimsam,
Website: https://samanthaoty.wixsite.com/mysite/
– Host: Stormy Skies. Instagram: @thestormyskies
Website: https://stormyskies3.wixsite.com/stormyskies
– End Song: ‘Creepy Doll’ by Jonathan Coulton. Website: www.jonathancoulton.com
About Us
Sam and Stormy died and they can’t get into Heaven until they watch every single horror movie on Netflix. But, like, those movies are constantly changing, so it seems like someone is yanking their chain.