Author: Samisbloggin

Samantha is a graduate student at The George Washington University, where she will receive an MPS in Publishing. Prior to attending GWU, she majored in English at Radford University. Samantha has spent the majority of her free time freelance writing, getting fired from temp agencies, and starting and stopping new creative projects. Someday she would like to write plays for a living. Are you a theatre producer? Please pick up her play. She needs the self-esteem boost. Samantha is currently an editor for Junto Magazine, a new literary arts magazine and is a freelance content writer.

Audition Review

The Japanese horror film Audition is considered one of the greatest horror movies of all time. Which is why we’re super pumped to finally watch it on this week’s episode of the podcast. Will it live up to the My Chemical Romance music video for Honey, this Mirror isn’t Big Enough for the Two of Us?

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