
Dark, Ominious, and Mind-Bending (Real Minishow Ep. 25)

This week on the Real Horrorshow Podcast, Sam and Stormy are assigned “Death of Me” for their review of the week. “Death of Me” is a 2020 horror movie that follows a couple as they try to escape an island in Thailand after seeing a video of one killing the other. 

This movie also features Luke Hemsworth–aka the Forgotten Hemsworth. Okay, I’m sure his family hasn’t forgotten him, but society has. 

They also make an important announcement regarding The Real Horrorshow Podcast’s Minishows.


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Good Things to Support

– Quileute Move to Higher Ground: https://mthg.org/ 



– Host: Samantha Oty. Instagram: @ohheyyimsam,

Website: https://samanthaoty.wixsite.com/mysite/

– Host: Stormy Skies. Instagram: @thestormyskies

Website: https://stormyskies3.wixsite.com/stormyskies

– End Song: ‘Creepy Doll’ by Jonathan Coulton. Website: www.jonathancoulton.com


About Us

Sam and Stormy died and they can’t get into Heaven until they watch every single horror movie on Netflix. But, like, those movies are constantly changing, so it seems like someone is yanking their chain. 

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